Extra Info

I was thinking today about what might happen if the process of mitosis goes wrong? What if the sister chromatids don’t separate properly and one cell has one too many chromosomes. Does it affect anything? And if it does, is it good or bad? I decided to ask my friend Leo about it since he has been through Mitosis many times before. He told me that a mistake in Mitosis is what causes cancers or tumors. Luckily, none of that has happened in our part of the body. Hopefully it never will. Well, I think that you who is reading this actually understands Mitosis and what it’s supposed to do. But if you still don’t quite get it, Google it. XD Well this is Olivia the Liver Cell, back in Interphase!

Image<—- this is what liver cancer looks like… Nasty


At last, there are now… two of me? That’s a little weird if you think about it. But hey, it’s natural as I have said before. I’ve just noticed that the other me is writing in a blog too. But it looks like it is in some other language. I wonder if she is writing the same thing that I am right now! Woah. Anyway, the final step is called Cytokinesis. It is basically where the cell finishes dividing and the cell membrane closes up. Now there are two of the same identical cell. This is happening all over the body, not just in the liver. This is why humans grow: because their cells go through Mitosis to multiply.



When now, I have finally begun to separate. It kind of hurts, but it’s so slow that I don’t really feel it. But also, I was made for this so I guess it’s natural. The phase that I am in right now is called Telophase. It’s when the chromosomes in the cell begin to unwind in the newly developed nuclear membrane. But now there is two of them. A cleavage has begun to form and I believe that the process is almost done. 



This is the shortest phase of Mitosis. During this time, the strings connected to the chromosomes are now pulling the sister chromatids apart to the opposite poles. That is probably so the cell can split apart and have all of the chromosomes and DNA that it needs for one cell. Right now, it has enough for two cells. Since that is true, the cell is most likely going to separate soon.



The strings that have been let out of the centrioles have attached to the chromosomes and have helped them to line up in a line down the middle. The nuclear membrane is completely gone now. The chromosomes would probably just float around the cell if it weren’t for the centrioles. I have never known how complicated just splitting in two can be.Image


It has finally begun. Mitosis is HERE! So it is kind of complicated. But I will try to get it down. The stage that comes first is called Prophase. This is when the DNA in the nucleus that is all tangled becomes untangled and pairs up with the copy of themselves and wind up as chromosomes. The chromosomes are pretty much the most important part of Mitosis. It is what makes up a person. Also the Nuclear membrane begins to disappear. It will disappear completely soon. And the centrioles have moved to different poles. They are beginning to let out strings that are moving toward the chromosomes. I don’t quite remember what the next step is, so stay tooned.prophase

The First Step

The first step is more a section with three little steps in it. It’s called Interphase. The first step in interphase is Growth 1 (or G1 for short). This is when the cell basically preps for the separation. Nothing big is happening, but it will soon. The next step is Syntheses. The DNA in the nucleus duplicates and makes copies of itself. This is also the cell preparing for Mitosis. And lastly, Growth 2 (G2) is another period where the cell gets ready for Mitosis. The DNA is duplicated and all jumbled together. Soon the separation will occurs. Also keep in mind that this is the phase that cells spend most of their time.



I recently got a weird feeling inside of me. Somehow I knew what to do: SEPARATE! I don’t know where I got that crazy idea from, but I decided that since this is obviously going to change my life, I’m going to create a blog and record all of the different steps that we go through to separate. Disclaimer: I have no idea how I know any of this stuff, it’s just all natural. So for starters, I am going to introduce myself for those of you who don’t know me. I am a Human Liver Cell. My name is Olivia (haha get is LIVer oLIVia) I am obviously found in the organ called the liver in a human. Pretty self explanatory.liver_cell<——— Yes, this is me 🙂